by Tierre Webster | Sep 14, 2021
Damascus Way Reentry Center exists to provide reentry housing/Leadership and wrap around services to people reentry society after being in some sort of adult confinement and/or incarceration. We provide these services using a Gospel-Centered approach. We currently...
by Susan Seward | Apr 9, 2021
HIM4Her Ministries is a non-profit organization fueled by volunteers pouring out their time and talent to come alongside women in and out of prison. Together we are working to help reduce recidivism, give female offenders hope and a second chance, and to equip ALL...
by Hannah Fordice | Oct 1, 2020
House of Faith and Freedom is dedicated to creating cross-denominational, boots-on-the-ground resources for church leadership teams on how to effectively deal with intimate partner violence. Between our introductory book and associated curriculums, your church will...
by Jeanne Millenacker | Jul 20, 2020
Church helping people in need The post St. John the Baptist Catholic Church appeared first on FISH Partner Network.
by Anne Fredrickson | Jun 30, 2020
Alpha Women’s Center is a Christian non-profit that offers no-cost services to women who are pregnant or may be pregnant. Medical services include free pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, and prenatal vitamins. We also offer support services...