What is FISH?

FISH is network of organizations which operates as a nonprofit and is designed to help our partners meet the needs of their clients, parishioners, and community members. When a registered FISH partner submits a need, FISH posts the need to Partner network with the hope that a partner or an affiliate can help the person in transition.

FISH connects organizations, individuals, and agencies representing the faith community, non-profits & service groups, businesses and other employers, and local government to create a communication network to meet human needs.

The mission of FISH is to partner together to meet human needs so individuals will be able to live healthy, transformed, lives.

How does FISH work?

The work of FISH and its partner network benefit the community in three strategic ways by:

Connecting Needs:  Post or meet the needs of neighbors through the FISH technology platform, creating a new paradigm of service

Tackling Issues:   Educate and convene leaders and the public on the second Thursday of the month to raise awareness and promote dialogue on the most pressing needs in Scott County.  Together we can do better to serve individuals and families living in our community.

Building capacity:    Promote services, programs, and ministries offered to support sufficiency and transformation in part through a searchable database

What does it mean to be a FISH partner?

Registration is free. Once registered at www.fishpartnernetwork.org  a partner can post needs, respond to needs, and post events.

In addition, partners and guests are invited to participate in Second Thursday meetings, the monthly FISH networking event.

FISH partners are ORGANIZATIONS, which:

·                     Appoint a leader to attend FISH Partner meetings monthly

·                     Appoint an administrative contact person to manage/share FISH information:

      • Complete the FISH partner profile, including information about yourorganization’s programs, services, and ministries
      • Review FISH needs regularly
      • Promote FISH membership with their defined community (parishioners, employees, volunteers, clients) to become Affiliate Partners.

Note: If you are not affiliated with an organization but would like to partner with FISH, we’d love to have you as an INDIVIDUAL partner! For the safety and integrity of our partner network, background checks are required of all individual volunteers. Contact the Scott County volunteer office at 952.496.8169 or jwiley@co.scott.mn.us

Can anyone post a need on the network?

A FISH Need can be submitted by any registered FISH Partner which serves Scott County residents and fits within one of the following sectors:

  • Faith community
  • Non profit or Service organization
  • Local government or school district
  • Business or employer

Please note: individuals may not contact FISH directly to have their needs posted; rather they must work through a partner agency.  

What are the criteria for a FISH request?

There must be a need which has been assessed by the FISH Partner. Partners define their own parameters and criteria.   It is recommended that a need should be transitional in nature; in other words, the individual should have a plan or resolution to their situation which prevents the need from being recurring.

Is FISH a “last-resort” resource?

Not necessarily.  We encourage Partners to consider opportunities to help someone in transition before they are in dire straits, which can prevent them from becoming dependent on subsidies and assistance programming.

Sometime a nonprofit, service organization, or faith-based service may support the specific need requested;  FISH works cooperatively with its partners to promote their respective missions to serve when applicable.

Okay, I am registered and have officially become a FISH partner. What now?

Congratulations! You are now part of a network that can truly make a difference by changing people’s lives. Please join us for special recognition at our next monthly meeting. In addition, you can now:

·         Log-in anytime to review the current needs

·         Outline your internal processes, define who from your organization will become affiliate partners, and promote involvement accordingly.

·         Post a request on behalf of someone who is in need and is connected to your organization. Just click on the website link:  Need Help

·         Print any of our marketing materials and distribute them to your circles.

·         Like us on Facebook